Crozet Community Association (CCA) Minutes of the
May 9, 2024 meeting
Claudius Crozet Park Community Building
(aka old WPED radio building)

Click here for PDF version of these minutes.

Welcome by vice president Lisa Goehler to attending 9 members at 7:35 PM

Agenda Review / Changes and additions from the floor?  There were none.

Approval of the CCA’s last meeting’s minutes (March 14, 2024).  Jo Ann Perkins made the motion to accept the minutes as presented.  Janie Halbrook seconded.  Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report –  (2024 Dues: Still just $10 annual contribution!) Lisa gave the report.
     CCA:$3,941.24; CIDC:  $2,134.92; TOTAL: $6,076.16

Albemarle County Police Department (ACPD) may visit and give an update. (Evening Patrol Division)  Two officers were present.  Lt. Gomez and Officer Wittford reported that Crozet was less in crime than many other areas in the county.  They encouraged Crozet citizens to take advantage of the Citizens Police Academy.  Break-ins of cars that were left unlocked is an issue in the community.  They explained the sheriff and police duties.

Presentation:  Update on Barnes Lumber redevelopment plans.  (Frank Stoner, Milestone Partners and David Stoner, DCI president) They spoke on the history of the project and the public/private partnership.  Showed slides of different areas going through the changes.

Update and News from Ann Mallek, our county supervisor.  She could not attend, as she has another meeting. 

 Old  Business:

  • Crozet Independence Day will be Saturday June 29, 2024 at the King Family Vineyard!
    • The Crozet Board of Trade has paid the deposit for this year’s fireworks.  Mudhouse is offering a special coffee for the event. Lots of plans on how to organize this big event for Crozet.  Food, entertainment and stupendous fireworks.  Parade is still in its usual location and route.  Find more details in the Crozet Gazette.
  • Hanging Baskets. Muff Biber and Tim Tolson met with Lance Stewart, Albemarle County Director of Facilities and Environmental Services in middle of February.  Muff is working on a proposal for the County’s approval and the County is working on their terms and conditions. A concern was expressed about watering the plants.   Details are not complete, but Tim said at the last CCA meeting that it was one of the considerations.

New Business:

The Green Olive Tree needs a new location. Please help them find a new location as they have helped the Crozet community for decades and over $1,000,000!  The March issue of the Crozet Gazette has an article:    Please help this special recycle center in Crozet until their permanent location is found

Announcements –  

Future Agenda Items?
–  None.

Meeting adjourned at 8:49 PM
Minutes prepared by Jo Ann Perkins, CCA secretary.

The minutes of this May 9, 2024 meeting will be reviewed, revised as necessary, and approved at the next CCA meeting on September 12, 2024.

The next CCA meeting is September 12, 2024 at 7:30 PM
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